Labrador Allowance, Injury on Duty, Health and Safety

41. Labrador Allowance

41.01   Labrador benefits shall be provided in accordance with the Labrador Benefits Agreement included in this Agreement as Appendix “E”.

42. Injury on Duty

42.01   Where an employee is injured while on duty, the employee shall receive full salary and benefits for the entire period of temporary disability as defined by WorkplaceNL, subject to Provincial legislative restrictions.

42.02   Where an employee is permanently and totally disabled as determined by WorkplaceNL, the employee shall be paid such pension and allowances by WorkplaceNL as set out in their Schedule of Benefits.

42.03   A permanently and totally disabled employee may continue to contribute to the University Pension Plan.

42.04   Where a permanently partially disabled employee is certified by a physician as fit to return to work, but can no longer carry out the duties of the employee’s position, every effort shall be made to place the employee in a position consistent with the employee’s qualifications and capabilities.

42.05   Where the injury was due to the employee’s willful misconduct, the employee may be disciplined in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.

43. Health and Safety

43.01   The Employer and the Union shall co-operate in improving policies and practices for the health and safety of employees.

43.02   The function of the Health and Safety Committee shall be to assist in creating a safe place to work and to recommend actions which will assist in improving the effectiveness of an accident-prevention program.

43.03   A Health and Safety Committee, as provided for under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, shall be established composed of not more than eight (8) members composed of an equal number of representatives of the Employer and of an equal number of representatives of the Union.

43.04   An Employer and a Union representative shall be designated as joint Chairpersons and shall alternate in presiding over the meetings.

43.05   The Health and Safety Committee shall hold meetings as the need arises, on the request of the Employer or the Union, but in any event, every two (2) months.

43.06   The Committee shall deal with all unsafe and hazardous or dangerous work conditions.

43.07   Copies of minutes of all Committee meetings shall be sent to the Employer and the Union.

43.08   Representatives of the Bargaining Unit on the above-mentioned Committee shall, subject to operational requirements and the prior approval of the Employer, be granted time off without loss of pay, benefits, and seniority while attending to the work of the Committee.

43.09   Upon request, the Employer and the Union agree to furnish each other, in writing, any information they possess respecting conditions in the workplace.

43.10   In recognition of the legislative and regulatory requirements which exist relating to safety related training and certification under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, the University will ensure that employees will be provided with necessary training and certification at no cost to the employee. Further, the Employer will monitor the expiry date of employee certifications to ensure that any necessary certifications are kept current.

43.11   Upon the request of an employee, the employer shall provide an ergonomic assessment of the workstation. Appropriate chairs and desks shall be provided by the employer.