Trustee Committee

The three trustee positions are elected at the biennial elections. Their position is to audit the books and accounts of the Local on a semi-annual basis, and to report their findings, recommendations, and/or concerns to the membership.


Please contact all members of the committee as a collective using the following group email address.

Individuals on the Committee and any individual contact information is as follows.

Name Title Term Phone Email
Scott Quilty Trustee 2 yr Term from 2024/01/16 TBA TBA
Timothy Strange Trustee 3 yr Term from 2024/01/16 TBA TBA
Bill Gin Trustee 3 yr Term from 2025/02/11 (new) TBA TBA


The Trustees shall:

  1. act as an auditing committee and audit all books and accounts of the Local on an annual basis between the months of May and August each year, to this end the Trustee committee shall be provided with the following;
    • all ledgers used during the period covered by the audit
    • all supporting documents, authorizations, invoices and/or vouchers for every disbursement made during the period
    • all cheque stubs for cheques written during the period
    • all minutes of Board and Membership meetings list of all schools, conferences, conventions and any other “educationals” approved during the period and the members who have attended
    • list of members who have retired during the period and gifts presented
    • list of donations made and flowers sent by the CUPE Cares Committee during the period
    • list of award winners and the names of their parents or spouses (if applicable)
    • list of the members who have been approved for “Time Off For Union Business” and reasons for such
    • list of Local members who serve on CUPE National and CUPE Newfoundland and Labrador committees or executives and the expenses they have received from the Local in compliance with Section 18.4 of these by-laws
  2. inspect or examine once a year any stocks, bonds, securities, office furniture and equipment, titles or deeds to property that may at any time be owned by the Local;
  3. at the completion of an audit, the Trustees shall submit in writing to the President and Secretary-Treasurer any recommendations and/or concerns they feel should be reviewed in order to ensure that the Local’s funds, records and accounts are being maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer in an organized, correct and proper manner;
  4. report their findings in writing to the first membership meeting following the completion of each audit. The report shall comment on the condition of all funds, accounts, and property owned by the Local. The report will also include a copy of their recommendations and/or concerns submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Secretary-Treasurer’s written response;
  5. be responsible to ensure that monies have been paid with proper constitutional, membership or Board authorization;
  6. ensure the Secretary-Treasurer has made written financial reports to each regular membership meeting, detailing all income and expenditures for the period covered by the audit;
  7. Send to the National Secretary-Treasurer, the assigned CUPE National Rep to the Local and the Local’s President and Secretary-Treasurer:
    • a copy of their completed audit report (on the prescribed forms provided by the National Secretary-Treasurer;
    • a copy of their report to the Local membership as per the CUPE National guidelines [B.3.12(b)];
    • a copy of their recommendations and/or concerns containing a response from the Local’s Secretary-Treasurer.
  8. Act as an auditing committee on behalf of the members and audit the books and accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer, Recording Secretary and the committees at least once every calendar year.