
The bylaws are the rules that govern the operations of CUPE 1615 and its Executive.
- CUPE Local 1615 By-Laws (last updated 2019; cover page added Aug/2024.)
In order to improve the social and economic welfare of its members without regard to age, physical and/or mental disability, race, creed, colour, national origin, political or religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, place of residence, membership or activity in any Union, to promote efficiency in public employment and to manifest its beliefs in the value of unity of organized labour, this Local of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (hereinafter referred to as CUPE) has been formed.
The following By-Laws are adopted by the Local pursuant to, and to supplement the CUPE constitution, to safeguard the rights of all members, to provide for responsible administration of the Local, and to involve as many members as possible through the sharing of duties and responsibilities.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how we democratically elects our representatives, and how the local is run and has to respect the CUPE Constitution. To access the By-Laws pdf, view the By-Laws menu from the site navigation bar, or select the link below.