Article 39. Job Evaluation
39.01 An employee’s position shall be classified in accordance with the University Job Evaluation Procedures and the employee shall be notified in writing of any change in the classification title or Band Level of their position.
39.02 Should it be necessary to develop a new classification or change an existing classification falling within the Bargaining Unit, the University shall advise the Union upon taking the action.
39.03 An employee who feels that their position is incorrectly classified may submit a request for job evaluation review. An employee will have access to the Aiken Plan to assist in their request for review. Copies of the Aiken Plan are available from the Department of Human Resources and the Union Office.
39.04 A request for job evaluation review shall not be considered on the grounds:
- The duties assigned to the position are unchanged.
- The scope of the duties and responsibilities have been improperly assigned by management.
- The duties are assigned as a result of a temporary assignment. An employee may not request a review of a position to which they are temporarily assigned, except long term temporary assignment which will be addressed on an individual basis.
39.05 A request for job evaluation review shall be initiated by the employee completing and submitting a “Request for Job Evaluation Review” form to the Department of Human Resources. The completed Job Fact Sheet/Update must be submitted with the “Request for Job Evaluation Review” form.
Supervisors and/or Deans/Directors/Department Heads will review and complete the applicable sections of the Job Fact Sheet/Update within ten (10) days of receipt of the document.
The employee will complete the applicable section of the Job Fact Sheet/Update to say that they have read the supervisors’ and/or Deans/Directors/Department heads comments and will forward the fully signed document to the Department of Human Resources.
39.06 Within ten (10) days from receipt of the “Request for Job Evaluation Review” and the Job Fact Sheet/Update, the Department of Human Resources must acknowledge the request for review
39.07 The Department of Human Resources will forward Job Fact Sheets/Updates that contain disagreement in the comments section, to the Dispute Resolution Committee, for resolution prior to conducting the review.
39.08 The Department of Human Resources shall conduct a review of each request, including the rating of the position using the Aiken Plan, within sixty (60) days from receipt of the required information. Within ten (10) days from the date the position is rated, the Department of Human Resources will notify the employee of the ratings assigned to each of the factors under the Aiken Plan, the point total, the Band Level, the Band Level point range, the effective date, and any change in the classification title assigned to their position.
39.09 If as a result of an employee’s request for review the position is reclassified, it shall be retroactive to the date the “Request for Job Evaluation Review” form and the Job Fact Sheet/Update was received by the Department of Human Resources in accordance with Article 39.05. Changes to a higher Band Level will be processed in accordance with Article 21.12.
39.10 If it is determined that the duties have been improperly assigned by management, reclassification will not apply. The Department of Human Resources will take necessary action including appropriately compensating the employee. The result is not appealable.
39.11 An employee may appeal the job evaluation decision, of an employee initiated review, to the Job Evaluation Appeal Committee, as per Appendix G.