Section 5. Voting of Funds
5.1 Except for ordinary expenses and bills as approved at membership meetings, no sum over five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be voted for the purpose of a grant or contribution to a member or any cause outside CUPE except by notice of motion given in writing and dealt with at the following membership meeting.
Section 6. Officers
6.1 The officers of the Local shall be the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President (Corner Brook, Campus), Secretary Treasurer, Recording Secretary, three (3) Trustees and a Membership Officer (Article B.2.1 & B2.2).
6.2 Executive Board members who are required to meet (as per section 7.2) after regularly scheduled working hours will receive a per diem of $17.50 for supper. No per diems will be given for lunch (Monday–Friday, 12–2pm) meetings.
6.3 Trustees who are required to meet outside regularly scheduled working hours, in fulfilment of their duties (as per Section 8.9) will receive a per diem of $17.50 for lunches and/or suppers. No per diems will be given for lunch hour (Monday–Friday, 12–2pm) meetings.
Section 7. Executive Board
7.1 The Executive Board (Board) shall comprise all Officers, except the Trustees. The immediate Past President shall be invited to all Board meetings for the first year after their term has ended to share their experience with the Board. The immediate Past President shall be afforded voice with no vote at Board meetings (Article B.2.2).
- The Executive Board shall meet at least once every month and where feasible the Third Vice-President (Corner Brook) shall be included by speakerphone.
- A majority of the Board constitutes a quorum.
7.3 The Executive Officers shall hold the title to any real estate of the Local as trustees for the Local. They shall have no right to sell, convey or encumber any real estate without first giving notice and then submitting the proposition to a membership meeting and having such proposition approved.
7.4 The Board shall do the work delegated to it by the Local and deal with all grievances of members as submitted to the Board in the reports of the Grievance Committee. The Board shall be held responsible for the proper and effective functioning of the Grievance Committee.
7.5 All charges against members or officers must be made in writing and submitted to the Board, whose decision shall be final, unless an appeal be made to the Local as a whole, which appeal must be made within thirty days after a decision has been rendered. Any trials held under the provisions of these By-Laws shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the CUPE Constitution, Appendix “B” Articles B.11.1 to B.11.5.
7.6 Should any Board member fail to answer the roll-call for three (3) consecutive regular membership meetings or three (3) consecutive regular Board meetings without having submitted good reasons for those failures, their office shall be declared vacant and shall be filled by an election at the following membership meeting (Article B.2.5).