
Section 9. Incidentals

9.1   The position of President shall be a paid full-time position on Band 10. The President will be placed on Band 10 as per our Collective Agreement (Section 21.12). Appendix b-1 shall also apply.

9.2   All unpaid members of the Executive Board shall receive a payment for incidentals and shall be paid at the following rates. The intent of this clause is to prepare for the event where any paid positions are no longer full time paid.

Position Incidental Payment
President $500.00 per annum
3 Vice-Presidents $250.00 per annum
Membership Officer $250.00 per annum
Secretary-Treasurer $400.00 per annum
Recording Secretary $400.00 per annum

9.3   Incidentals will be paid each December and is paid on a pro-rated basis for the months an executive member has served in the preceding 12 months.