Union Delegates

Section 13. Delegates to Conferences, Conventions, Schools, and Seminars

13.1   Except for the President’s option, Section 8(a), all delegates to conferences, conventions, schools and seminars shall be chosen by election at membership meetings and the decision of the membership shall be final. To be eligible to attend conferences, conventions, schools and seminars a member shall be in good standing. If a member cannot attend the meeting, they shall indicate in writing to the Education Committee prior to the meeting their willingness to stand. Interested members will be given an opportunity, if they so wish, to summarize their current union activity and involvement.


  1. All St. John’s CUPE weekend schools shall be open to all St. John’s members who have not done the course within the last 2 years (or less, if there have been considerable changes to the course). Consideration will be given to granting permission for Corner Brook members to attend the St. John’s course if the course will not be offered within a year in Corner Brook.
  2. All Corner Brook CUPE weekend schools shall be open to all Corner Brook members who have not done the course within the last 2 years (or less, if there have been considerable changes to the course). Consideration will be given to granting permission for St. John’s members to attend the Corner Brook course if the course will not be offered within a year in St. John’s.
  3. CUPE Weeklong Schools — members attending CUPE Weeklong schools must have been active in the union over the past year. The member must have attended a minimum of 50% or 5 of the 9 general monthly meetings during the past 12 months to be eligible.
  4. Conferences — members attending conferences must be active in the union over the past year and they must have attended at least 50% or 5 of the 9 general monthly meetings during the past 12 months to be eligible. Preference will be given to Executive and Committee members wishing to attend a conference on issues relevant to their activity in the local.
  5. Conventions (other than the CUPE National Biennial Convention) — members attending conventions must have been active in the union over the past and must have attended 50% or 5 of the 9 general monthly meetings during the past 12 months.
  6. CUPE National Biennial Convention — attendance as credentialed delegate shall be limited to Executive Board members, except that, when the Executive members do not fill all the credentialed delegate positions, an election may be held to fill those outstanding positions. Furthermore, in the event a recommendation is made to send an alternate and/or guest delegate(s) to the National Convention, there shall be an election to select the member(s) to attend from the general membership. The election shall be held in accordance with Section 13.1.

13.3   The 50% meeting attendance criterion to CUPE Weeklong schools, Conferences and Conventions (not including the CUPE National Biennial Convention) may be waived upon appeal to the members attending a regular monthly meeting. In the absence of a regular monthly meeting an appeal may be made to the Executive.

13.4   All delegates to conferences, conventions, schools and seminars shall be paid transportation expenses (at economy, tourist or coach rates); accommodation expenses and an amount equal to any loss of salary necessitated by attendance at conferences, conventions, schools or seminars.

Delegates shall also be entitled to the following amounts for out of pocket expenses (without receipts) to cover meals and incidentals;

  • In town (St. John’s or Corner Brook — depending on the members’ place of work: $35.00/day)

Where not already stated delegates will receive a per diem allowance based on National’s breakdown of breakfast, lunch, and supper.

13.5  All delegates elected to conferences, conventions, schools and seminars where the accommodation and meals are included with the registration fee, shall be entitled to $35.00 per day to cover out of pocket expenses (without receipts) and compensation for any loss of salary necessitated by attendance at the conference, convention, school or seminar.

13.6   Any legitimate costs incurred by a delegate while attending conferences, conventions, schools, or seminars on behalf of Local 1615 will be reimbursed only after providing receipts to the Secretary-Treasurer. If receipts are not provided, the individual member will incur the cost.

13.7   All delegates who attend conferences, conventions, schools and seminars at the Local’s expense shall, within thirty (30) days, of their return, submit a signed, written report to the Executive Board, who shall have it published in the Newsletter and/or on the Local’s website. Where two or more delegates attend the same event, they may submit a joint report. Reports may also be read at a regular membership meeting. Failure to provide such reports may prejudice future attendance at such functions.